Thursday, October 28, 2010

Do or do not..... there is no try.

Whenever I say that I am going to "try" to do something my husband will reply with this quote. (on a side note if you watched that how can you not love Yoda? He is my favorite Star Wars character- along with Leia and those cute little Ewoks but I've been side tracked) I was thinking about this earlier this week when discussing working out. It's no secret that I need to get my rear into the gym. I mean how sad is it that I weight more now than I did when I was pregnant with Amelia? ( In my defense there I was throwing up or wanting to throw up for pretty much 8 months.) Anyway, I need to get to the gym and stop making excuses. I'm going to try to keep this little Yoda quote in my mind as I go along. There really is no trying in the working out department. I mean you either do it or you don't. For the sake of myself and my family I really need to get to the part where I do it more than don't.

I know I can. I have on a couple different occasions been able to drop a lot of weight and get into a very good routine of working out. Amelia throws a bit of a wrench into the routine as I'm sure any working mother could sympathize with. This week I worked out Monday morning with a cardio circuit. (if you're wondering I did almost die) and Tuesday night with water aerobics. (taught by Lindsey) I missed both Wednesday and Thursday. Tomorrow morning I'm scheduled to be at the YMCA at 5 am for another cardio workout. I'm hoping that my legs are fully recovered by then!

If anybody has any great ideas or advice I'm all ears. Quite honestly I think Yoda's is pretty good. There isn't much trying. Just doing.

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