Sunday, October 30, 2011

The 2nd time around...

I have to say that the second time around with parenthood has been so different than the first. not that my children are really that much like one another (besides looks) but it is just so much calmer for me with Grayson. I feel like I at least half know how to expect. I learned with Amelia that stages come and go and just when you think you can't handle another minute of one stage the next one begins. Grayson has been overall a very good baby so far and we just love him like crazy. He fits in so well with our family and it just feels like he was always supposed to be with us. I feel very complete- even though I've had a dozen people in the last month tell me that I'll change my mind.... I just really feel like we're good just the 4 of us. I don't know- I could maybe change my feelings on the subject crazier things have happened I'm sure. For now though I'm just loving my babies and my husband and the life we are living together!

A main difference between Grayson and Amelia- SIZE! I just looked back at the blog to see Amelia's two month stats and she weighed somewhere around 12 pounds..... well we had Grayson's 2 month appointment on Friday and the boy weighs 16 pounds 2 ounces and he's 26 inches long. This means in the 7 weeks since we were last at the doctor he has gained over 7 pounds and grew 3.5 inches. If this child keeps up this growth pattern we are going to be buying lots of new clothes! Everything looks good- he had to have shots which caused a fussy weekend for him, but hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow!

I have pictures to upload from the weekend train ride and visit to Lindsey's new house but for now I need to take my tired self to bed (well after I finish Dancing with the Stars from last week). The alarm will be ringing way early in the morning!

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