Monday, November 8, 2010

Penny Auction

Eric told me about this site tonight. He heard a free promotional code from ESPN. It's this crazy auction place where everything goes for SUPER cheap, but you have to buy your bids. So you spend money buying a chance to maybe win an item for a lot less than you can buy it for. Of course I was intrigued. I tried to bid on a few things, but I'm not sure I have a very good strategy. I had 20 free credits and of course blew through those like nothing. I'm debating at this point if I should buy a few more chances and try for that ipad they are putting up tomorrow. It's addicting. Kind of feels like gambling. Nice work showing this to me Eric!

p.s. I feel really bad for Wade Phillips. It just seems like the people playing should be held somewhat responsible for what is happening on the field. That is why I'd never make it in management. I could not fire somebody 1/2 way through the season and live with myself. I'll stick to spending Eric's money on penny auctions trying to win ipads for $2.00.

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