Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I'm having one of those moments..... looking around the house and seeing everything we have. (and really I can see everything we have because it is actually all sprawled around the house. much like a bomb exploded and all our things ended up scatter about) I know that the things I'm looking at are just that... things, but they are our things. We can come to our house at night and know we have a place to sleep. Know that our baby has a warm, safe place to be. To grow. To thrive.

I decided this year to sponsor a family for Christmas. We were matched up with a single mother of two young children. I have no idea what her story is. No clue what happened to put her in this situation, and truly it doesn't even matter. What was on her list this year? Coat and hats and mittens for her two babies. I'm trying to wrap my head around what that must be like for her. Basic necessities, that we take for granted every day, and she has to ask somebody else to provide her children with them.

As Amelia grows up I want to be sure that every Christmas we spend time giving to others. I want to take her with me to shop and pick out gifts for other people. Kids who don't have all the things that she does. I want her to know and understand how blessed she is and I want to make sure and remind Eric and I of that as well. We are so lucky to have one another. So blessed to have Amelia. And also blessed to have our friends and family. It's amazing how quickly we can lose sight of those blessing in the hustle and bustle of every day life. I am hoping that as parents we keep that close to the surface for the sake of our child and most importantly ourselves.

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