Tuesday, June 12, 2012


When I typed that post all I could think of was the song "Vacation all I ever wanted.  Vacation all I ever needed".  Anyway..... we just got back today from our Lake vacation at Lake of the Ozarks.  The Burns family went along and we all had a blast.  We rented a house from people I know in Pleasantville and loved it!  It was so nice to be able to cook dinner and have separate rooms for the kids.  Speaking of I was pretty impressed that Eli and Amelia made it every night by themselves in their own room!  The two of them loved each other and fought with each other just like brother and sister :)   We took them mini golfing, swimming, and to the beach.  The boat ride was supposed to be Monday, but it was raining so we didn't go.  The Burns still headed out on the lake today before they left town, but we decided against it b/c Grayson wasn't feeling so great.  Poor Buddy got a really bad ear infection while we were out there and still isn't feeling very well.  I'm hoping another day with meds will get him all better.  It was a nice relaxing (well I think vacation with two children is never really that relaxing, but you know what I mean) couple of days and now I need a week to unpack and put away all of our crap!  I did get most of the laundry done when we got home though so I should be a step in the right direction.

And now I'm rambling so I'll upload some pictures and quit typing- I am however trying to ignore a screaming Amelia- we're going Super Nanny on the bedtime thing and she'd really like to be able to stay up later I guess.
 Amelia jumping in to Aunt Mandy
 Drawing Amelia with sidewalk chalk.
 Happy guy for the moment.... kind of a crabby vacation for G man.
 I love this sign :)
 Amelia loved this pretend bird cage..... I have no idea why.
 Pretty girl!
 Mini Golf was a huge hit!
 Argh Buddy.
 Yummy drinks.
 Golf Cart ride.
Pirate flag on the way home.

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